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10 cotton balls, 6 jars, measuring cups,( ½ tablespoon, 1 tablespoon, ½ teaspoon) measuring spoons, extra virgin olive oil, amino acid/ L- glutamine powder, salt, granulated sugar, water (tap is fine), Cookies (pecan sandies), and honey

     2. Set out your 5 jars with 250mL of water each (the oil jar doesn't need to be filled with water)

     3. Mix 5 separate jars  3 ½ Tbsp of sugar, ½ teaspoon of salt, 3 ½ Tbsp of L- glutamine powder,                   3 ½ Tbsp olive oil, and 3 ½ Tbsp of honey

     4. Add 2 cotton balls to the water mixtures in the jars for your grassy and paved traps

     5. Make sure all the cotton balls are soaked in the mixtures



  1. Gather all the Materials that you need.

  2. Label your index cards with ~FN ~ Date ~ Initials ~ Bait Type ~ Green or Paved

  3. Choose Your Bait type

  4. Choose an area outside to place your traps. (Both grassy area and Paved area.) (6 baits in each area)

  5. Place your trap down where information side is face up and cards are 6 inches apart from each other. (Make sure you pin the traps down)(1 pin each corner)

  6. Leave traps for 1 hour (Set timer for 1 hour)

  7. After 1 hour is up go to collect traps.

  8. Quickly grab the index card and put them in separate small zip lock bags.

  9. Place the 6 small zip lock bags from the grassy area  into 1 large zip lock bag and the 6 small zip lock bags from the paved area into a different large zip lock bag.

  10. After you have collected the traps place the 2 large zip lock bags in a freezer to freeze them overnight. This will keep the ants from decomposing.

  11. After you have froze the ants overnight you can then go to identify them. and preserve them

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